Friday, April 11, 2008

I'll Tell You What I Mean By That, Maybe Not In Seconds Flat, Maybe Never

She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet Child O' Mine - Taken By Trees

My mum suggested I continue my studies after my degree, and go and get my masters. She said might as well, since it's going to be hard to continue once I start working. Which, though to me seems like aeons more, would probably come sooner than I expect. Well this sort of thing tends to make one think, nay? Me, I'm no exception.

I mean. I can't imagine myself being a full-fledged adult, with a working life, having responsibilities that I've only ever heard of, never thinking I'd get them one day.

Oh yes, I can so see myself working and caring for kids and whatnot one day. Right.

So yeah, I got to thinking, and the fact that three weeks (well, almost, but hey small detail) have gone by in almost a blink of an eye tends to, well, unnerve me, for some reason. Three weeks, just like that. Soon it'll be three months. Then, three years. Then three kids! *Gasp!*

Dated, yeah, but I think this is still pretty good, regardless.

Memories? Yeah, I've been committing a lot to my head. And I've been trying to make each day sorta interesting. And have fun at the same time. So far, so good.

My working life has been ups and downs, so far. On good days, I get to do things to keep myself occupied, and enjoy them at the same time. On bad days (which so far hasn't really happened, thank god), I'd prolly have to do some things that I don't really enjoy doing (such as shooting that Makyong fella's interview). And on other days, I just sit and bum around the office, occasionally helping out, but basically just sit and look around. And take some music. Teehee!

Actually, fikir punya fikir, I don't really focus on one thing to think about. It drifts a lot. One minute it's this, the next it's that.

And of course, that's when the tummy starts rumbling, wanting food. And, inevitably, there's nothing to eat when I go down to the kitchen. Nak maggi hotcup pun tarak. So then, I had to painstakingly cook myself a packet of maggi, in some pot, to put into some bowl, just to temporarily sedate my stomach.

But I digress. I got to thinking about stuff that I've done, whether I should've regretted some things, whether I could've enjoyed some things, and whether I would've done some things differently if I knew then what I knew now. Basically, I guess, they're the "What If" type of thoughts. Which suck. So I didn't really dwell on them for long. Didn't feel like spoiling my night / day / whatever.

Went out for a short walk to clear my head just now, at about um, 1 in the morning. Helped a bit. Even if the walk was a short one. I realized I like the sound of cars passing by in the night, the sound of bugs making their bug noises, basically the sound of the night environment. It sort of sedates me. And I got a wee bit.. er.. woozy. Jalan balik a little wobbly. But for a short while. Wtf lol.

Funani! My maggi is damn hot!

Mmm yeah, so my heads sedated now. Sort of. Thoughts are probably buzzing around near the surface, but I don't think I'll entertain them tonight. Hell I don't even know what my brain is working on. No specific.. er.. topic, for want of a better word.

And a penny for your thoughts was,
Never enough,
Your head gets filled with that stuff.
Your head gets filled with that stuff....

Blue Flower, Blue Flame - Destroyer

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