Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please Forgive Me

Please forgive me, I know not what I do

Please Forgive Me - Bryan Adams


So it's been a rough few days for me, filled with emotional outbursts and shit happening. Nothing that I can't cope with, but always bordering on the point of driving me off the edge. I feel like coming back during the week long break, just to get away from this sometimes hell-hole. I think this semester, though it does have ups, has downs as well.

Classes are okay, people are nice, my head is not in the right place, yeah that kind of thing is going on.

And FML I just found out I might've lost like, 6 kg since I came here. I'm now, according to a weighing scale that I'm not sure is at all trustworthy, 49.8 kg. Holy underweight batman!

Q. How many mystery writers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two. One to screw it in most of the way and the other to give it a surprise twist.

Badum Pshhh!

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