Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cahaya Terang Menembusi, Bagai Sebuah kisah Misteri

Siang malam termimpi mimpi
Pagi petang tercari cari
Tiap saat ternanti nanti
Kau masih tiada disisi

Mirage - Pesawat
Yes, I went for 8TV's Shout! Awards. It was a pretty good event, felt big, and some very good performances. There were a few fuck-ups here and there, specially with the mikes, and the biggest fuckhead in the world Sean Kingston, ntah mana la ko nak jalan sampai blakang pentas.

He can't even sing properly, damn the fool. But oh well, he got the crowd going, so hey ho, I guess he's good for something. Like making mayonnaise, as I quote A Girl Named Lisa:
"then sean kingston came on, practically sweating mayonnaise as he bobbed around, mouthing a few words here and there."
Hahaha! Memang pun.

So overall I enjoyed the show, I found the artiste performances pretty good, the sound system rocked, and the people nice to look at. I just wish I was more involved in it.

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