Saturday, August 01, 2009

No One Needs To Know We're Feeling

Higher and higher and higher
Higher and higher and higher
But I feel alive and I feel it in me

Little Secrets - Passion Pit

So I'm back in Perth, and it's hell cold (not sure how that works, since hell is presumably hot and whatnot), like, balls-shrink-masuk-perut sleep-wearing-3-layers-of-clothes piss-and-break-pee-off cold. I think it's partly because I am so used to the hot and humid and bleargh Malaysian weather, and also partly because it memang is bloody cold.

I've two new flatmates, one girl who seems very cool, and one guy (we think, because we haven't really seen him/her). It felt good to be back, and it was awesome to open my room door again, after nearly 2 months of leaving it. I've lost a mug, but I'm glad my pans and plates and cutlery are all still here.

Classes start next week, I have some shit to settle, so yeah.

It's good to be back =D

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