Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's Funny to Me, How You've Turned Into Such a Joke

Moon was real bright again tonight.
Guess I can't get bored of taking moon shots, even if they do almost always come out the same.
Round, gray and.. Moony.

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No! I won't get bored!

And on a different note.
And also something way closer to home.

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Was in the garden after the rain, when I spotted a couple of..
Um.. Moths? Butterflies, I'm guessing, since moths have a different body shape / structure.

Or, I could be very wrong and they turn out to be extraterrestrial life-forms hell bent on sucking our brains out and colonizing this planet because their planet was destroyed by the giant roll-on deodorant stick from Saturn.

More to come.
And I'm off to bed now.


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